Ok, I tried to update this blog once but I accidentally closed my post with out posting it.
That was after an hour and a half of typing and uploading pics.
My pregnancy brain is wreaking havoc on me this days.
Ok so, a lot has happened since the wonderful sonogram seeing the sex of our baby, Justin.
I will be brief since I have done this once already. Here goes:
So the same day we had the sonogram appt., earlier that morning my mom fell down the stairs at work,
fracturing both of her ankles.
I know! We were so afraid that she certainly messed up her hips, since they were both recently replaced.
She ended up staying with me so I could take care of her until she could "get on her feet" and return to work and back to her place without me worrying if she would trip over herself and those cumbersome boots she had to wear.
It was about 2 wks, we found her a much smaller boot, and she only needed to wear one by that time so she was able to walk with her crutch or a cane for support. Luckily she didn't need surgery or a cast, just one of those things that would heal on it own.
She is wearing shoes now, from the last I heard. They are still sore, but starting to get better after a month.
That was also the day Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett died. Farrah we saw coming, it was sad.
Michael's death was a big shock and we still are hearing about it with the investigations surrounding it.
I wonder how much my Thriller LP will be worth now?
Within the next couple of days, I was running around doing errands and coming back from checking on my mom's cat,
(she's staying with me at this point) and stopped at Target for groceries. I ended up leaving my wallet at the checkout counter!
The cashier didn't even say anything, neither did the mother and daughter that was behind me in line.
My guess is that the 2 behind me gave it to the cashier and she said she would turn it in but kept it.
I went back a couple of hours later when I discovered I didn't have it, the same cashier was there and she said she never saw or was she given a wallets.
Somebody got it because an hour later there was a gas transaction on one of our checking accounts.
So my License, Social Security card and debit cards, $15 cash, and HSA card were in someone else's hands.
That was fun canceling and waiting for new ones, I still haven't received my new DL or SS card, or HSA card.
I really could use the HSA to pay for baby bills too. It's supposed to be in the mail, that's what "they" say.
I like my new wallet even better, even though there isn't really anything in it.
Some fun stuff now....
We had a reunion on the Beck's side later that weekend. It was good to see everyone again and meet some new people or ones that I probably met once but can't remember. They got to see the baby bump and we got to compare Emily's and mine: she's 2 months ahead of me.
This summer has been fun swimming in the pool and having friends over to play. I try to swim when I can and get exercise, it makes moving around a lot easier.
(I can't believe I am posting swimsuit pics of myself.)
Here's some pics from the 4th of July:
To celebrate the 4th we went ahead and got Justin's baby furniture!
My mom and Dad were generous enough to spring for it all.
Crib, Dresser and Chest of Drawers. So he is set for life really, the crib turns into a full size bed when he's ready for it.
It's really nice! We couldn't wait and put the crib together right away.
Now its down to painting and decorating. First we had to change it from Eric's Office to Justin's room.
So Eric shares his office with the guest room, it was so nice of him to do that for his little boy.
Then we could put the rest of the furniture in the room to get it out of the garage and see how it all looked.
(By the way, these are the worst pics I've taken of a room and actually posted on the internet.)
We still have to paint but we just wanted to see.