Justin is a very active fellow these days. Or it may be just that he is getting bigger and stronger that I feel him more. Not just the little flutter that feels like gas, I still get those too.
I can actually feel him moving around and sometimes he gets the hiccups.
Eric wonders how they can get the hiccups when there's no air in there.
I don't know, it's all very weird.
We watch him jump around at night, Eric likes to watch or feel him moving.
I've read that he's the size of a letter envelope right now. I'll wait for everyone to go get an envelope to look and see....
Isn't that amazing?
At this month's checkup it was fairly boring nothing like when we got the sonogram last month.
But we did get some interesting news from the doctor she didn't tell us last time.
My placenta was kind of low next to my cervix which could be dangerous and birth causing us to move to a c-section. She said it wasn't really anything to worry about but next month she wants to do another sono to see if it has moved. Then we can talk about options at that point but she says most of the time it corrects it self, but she just wants to make sure.
So we get to see Justin again!!!
Also she wants me to start exercising more, to counter act the calories I'm putting in. I've already gained 20 lbs. and I have a ways to go still. I gained 7 lbs since last time.
It's only supposed to be 1 lbs a week. Maybe too much ice cream? Or not exercising?
It's not too bad but before it gets out of hand she wants me to at least walk everyday for 30mins. I try to do that now but it is so hot and every other excuse I can think of.
But I am going to start going to the gym at the city rec. center to do the elliptical or treadmill,
that way I will have no excuse but time to do it.
Also, she is going to do a glucose screening to determined whether my body is metabolizing glucose. If not that could be a factor of my weight gain which could lead to diabetes later in pregnancy. I don't want that, so will see later this month when I have my next appt.
July 25th we started the painting, it began with removing the painting popcorn on the ceiling to update it a bit.We intend to do the entire house but will go one room at a time.
What a pain when it's painted!!
We also are texturing the walls.
Then we selected the colors based on the bedding we are going to be getting. Here's the valance from the set.
OH yeah! Half way into priming and painting ( 7/27) I was gathering paint rollers and brushed from the garage and didn't clear the door all the way and stubbed the #?!{$% out of my pinkie toe.
I think I actually dislocated it or maybe even fractured it somewhere in the little knuckles.
I have never stubbed a toe like this before, I wanted to cry and felt a little sick to my stomach.
It quickly started to swell and turned blue later that afternoon.
Don't be shocked it has alway been ugly, just look at the colors and swelling.
It has returned to a normal color now (7/31), but it's very sore. Wearing shoes is a pain. Hopefully it heals properly.
But the painting must go on!! In case you are wondering about all those paint fumes,
Yes I do wear a mask.
Hear are some pics of our progress, hopefully we'll be done soon.