With doing another sono, we got to see Justin again! He looks a little different than last time, more fat on so we can see him better, and he's much bigger. His weight is 2 lbs 14 oz. !
We won't talk about my weight, although, with my exercise, I was able to keep it normal this time, I only gained 4lbs.

Now as for the placenta, it hadn't moved much away from my cervix to be considered even in the "gray area" of being ok for normal delivery. But she still says that if it moves just 3-4 cm, we should be fine, and as my uterus grows, it could grow up and out of harms way.
So it's still up in the air and she'll want to do another sono next time, but I may ask to see if we can wait until the next appt. so we can 1.) save the money 2.) let it move even more if it's going to move. I think it's on 9/24th, then I'll be 31 weeks.
She did put me on some restrictions and to start taking it easy, which I think my body is doing that for me. I am getting tired easier now when I try to do stuff, and just carrying around the weight is a chore. So I guess we'll still have to wait to see how things progress.
I wish I could just know: c-section or not.
Anyway here are some more pics:
My Mom and I are going through some clothes that we got from one of Eric's friends.
They had a boy in the month of October so the sizes and seasons match up pretty cloth to when Justin will need them. They gave us clothes from newborn to 24 months.
We are so grateful to them it will really help out to have a selection of clothes already.
It was fun to wash them and put them in the drawers, which are full now.
The room is pretty much done, we still have some finishing touches: ( I promised much better pics, here are some pretty good ones)

Next post, I think I will have Eric add something. I think it would be nice to here his perspective.
Justin just keeps getting cuter....Thanks for growing our little boy!