I thought I was going to make it through without any swelling, but it has come on big time.
Mostly in the morning in my face and hands, but then as the day goes by, I start getting it in my legs and ankles. I try to put up my feet as much as possible, but I guess it's just going to be this way.
I am watching my blood pressure with the swelling because I know that could be an issue, but everything is normal there. I just finally look like I'm pregnant in my face.
I've been having some days wear the contractions are much stronger and happen about every hour that are almost unbearable. They started with flu like symptoms, which I hear is part of the being stages. They can make me sick to my stomach. All I have been able to do for it is drink lots of water and take a Tylenol. Then the next day I am fine. If this is the beginning stages, let's go already!
Today at my doctor's appointment my mom went with me so she could meet the doctor and hear the heartbeat. Nothing new again, not dilated or effaced. My last appointment on 10/28th, he was where he is supposed to be. I was hoping I would be a little dialated, but no. His head is low and putting a lot of pressure on my pelvis and I feel him more in my hips.
I am relieved that today I am officially off work. I photographed my last executive this morning, well for now at least. No more actual photo shoots, maybe some networking to keep up appearances - but that's it for at least until January. We'll see......
Eric's job prospect didn't come through so we are back to where we were, no insurance and one small income. He's got some other things he's working on that could come through, so it's not all bad.
October 25th was the baby shower, and what a blast it was! Laura and Valerie really came through and hosted a fantastic shower and we had a great turnout. Many came from out of town including my friend Jenny from Houston and my Dad and Karma, which was a big surprise. Most of Eric's family from Texarkana came which was very nice- I know they had to leave early to get there on time. It was so good to have everyone there, it was special to see how everyone is so happy for us and to be so generous.
We got some great stuff, Justin is going to have an awesome start. Can't wait to see how he looks in the outfits!
For now I guess we just get packed and wait.......
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