Monday, June 1, 2009

05.28.09 Update

14 Wks!  What a difference!  I'm not so sluggish and I feel like actually doing stuff.

My belly is showing a little now and clothes are definitely getting snug.
Mom and I have been having fun going shopping for maternity clothes, but I am still in the in between stage so they don't fit quite right yet. I can't even imagine fitting in them, but I know I will eventually.  If anyone knows of anyone that has any maternity closes to borrow or buy cheaply, please let me know.

I enjoyed Mother's Day.  It's not official, but I think I qualify.

Stress levels have increased with the news of our non-existent maternity insurance coverage.  We thought we were covered, but it turns out we were only covered for complications.  It was not good news to hear to say the least.
With the economy like it is, and with our commission-based jobs, just making ends meet was difficult already.  Now we are having to save money to pay the Dr. and Hospital and make ends meet.  It's not going to be easy or fun.
I do have some jobs in the works and have even been looking for part-time work, no luck yet in the part-time search.
I am trying to look at the positives of the situation and keep Eric uplifted to do the same, he is having a tougher time dealing with everything going on.
We know it will all be worth it in the end so I look at it that way.

Anyway, more fun stuff....
The baby is about as big as a fist now and I think I feel little flutters sometimes. 
That could just be me though, I'm not sure.
We are anxious to find out what it's going to be!  That will be the next Dr. appointment, 6/25th.
Then we can start focusing on baby names.  We have a few worked out for a boy, but we can't come up with one that we agree on for a girl.  That makes me think it's going to be a girl. (Things are supposed to be difficult for us, that's is just the way it is.)

We are also, getting closer to working on the baby's room!  That should be fun, although we aren't sure of the theme.  It's either Vintage Circus, Carnival, or gender themed. Choices choices!  My nephew Zachary is a talented artist I think I will put to work this summer on helping me create the best room ever.

I am looking at the classes that the hospital offers for Childbirth and safety to take pretty soon.
They also give you a tour of the Maternity area to show us our options.  That seems like it would be exciting, but Eric hates hospitals so he may not enjoy that.  Anything that takes us closer the the "big day" is exciting to me.

 I guess that's really all for now.  I'll try to get some more pictures up here soon.
 There should be one in my maternity bathing suit soon for sure, it's pool time!

Until next time.....

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